Frankie Inguanez

The first step of the trail!

You first can’t walk, then you start to crawl. With some help you make your first steps then you run! Every task is our life is a trail and we start by the first few steps. My first steps in blogging were due to a post-graduate course in vocational teaching which I discontinued.

From time to time I would write articles or pieces of work which I would keep with the intent of publishing at a future stage! Well that day has arrived! I collected a few articles which I intend to publish gradually!

So here is my blog! A software consultant with a specialization in information systems, Java, PHP, Linux! An affection for the sea, diving, photography, camping and movies. Loved by caring parents, an elder brother, an amazing wife and great friends. Respected by fellow colleagues, students and superiors!

My name is Frankie Inguanez and this is my blog!

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