Month: March 2020

MCAST ICT Applied Research Group

It is my great pleasure to announce the launching of the MCAST IICT Applied Research Group, ICTAR for short. We are a group of eight IICT academics and a senior research officer whose aim is to focus on support research at MCAST IICT. We work on research projects, deliver talks and organise workshops. We have five research themes:

  1. Learning Technologies
  2. Information Security & Digital Forensics
  3. Games Research
  4. Artificial Intelligence
  5. Digital Ledgers, Cryptocurrencies and FinTech

We can be contacted via

COVID-19 a powerful time-series visualisation

Under these difficult times due to the COVID-19 pandemic we have all learnt to appreciate the importance and value of data and visualisations. For that reason at Lobeslab Ltd. we have taken the John Hopkins University dataset and empowered it with additional information, giving a focus on time-series visualisations and projections. Check the full article here.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira