Tag: Blockchain

MCAST @ B2C 2022

It was a great pleasure to have the opportunity to present our research at the B2C 2022 Conference in Barcelona, Spain. Mr Jake Carabott has presented our research titled “A Last Mile Blockchain Based Proof of Delivery System” in which we explore the use of blockchain technology as a solution for the last mile delivery service.

In this research, Jake has custom-built a locker fitted with a smart lock that interacts with a custom-built mobile application. This application allows the owner to manage access to the locker with a courier being allowed to deposit parcels when a human is not available to gather. Access is logged on the blockchain for transparency and auditing purposes. This proof of concept prototype has been lab-tested and validated. To further complement the research an interview with a manager in a logistics company was held to get the business point of view, as well as a survey with 100 respondents to gather the end-user point of view.

The conference was packed with various other Blockchain research by other students and various keynote speakers. Thanks to MCAST IICT for the support. Special thanks to Profs. Sergey Yurish for the organization of this conference.

MCAST @ Delta Summit

The Delta-Summit is currently being held at the InterContinental Hotel at St Julians, Malta, attracting blockchain specialists, evangelists and academics from around the world. Lots of interest and great opportunities. MCAST  is showcasing four of its B.Sc. second year projects, mentored by myself, who focused on blockchain technology.

Axel Curmi has researched a Blockchain Based certificate verification platform, permitting an individual to verify the validity of an academic certificate in possession. This research has also been presented at the 1st Workshop on Blockchain Smart contracts hosted by Fraunhofer FOKUS at Berlin, during a Springer Workshop.

Eman Sammut has researched a Blockchain based car park management system, with a community based approach to it. Nigel Cumbo has researched Vehicle logbook verification using Blockchain.

Finally, Jerome Mizzi has research a Blockchain based e-voting system. His research was also published in the D-Line Journal of Technology.

We have received a lot of positive feedback on these second year B.Sc. projects which will be further researched in their final year of their studies for their dissertation. Many have queried whether MCAST offers Blockchain courses, which I am happy to say that some modules are being introduced in our curriculum which you can check-out in our prospectus online.

Second Blockchain research by MCAST IICT published

The second research on Blockchain technology by MCAST IICT has been published. This research is titled “Blockchain based E-Voting System”, co-authored by Jerome Mizzi and myself, in it we explore the use of Blockchain technology as a viable solution for a national e-voting system. This research is still a work in progress and will be continued in the next academic year. Jerome is a second year B.Sc. (Hons.) Software Development student, progressing to his third and final year.  This research has been published in the second issue of the ninth volume of the Journal of E-Technology, edited by Prof. Adrian Florea from the University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu.


It was a great honor and pleasure to present the first MCAST IICT research on Blockchain by Axel Curmi and myself at the BSCT2018 hosted at Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin. The conference was packed with a lot of current and interesting research, a really great learning experience.

This is the first year for MCAST IICT to research on blockchain and will surely grow from here onward. Really proud and glad to have our research recognised at an international level in a Springer conference.

MCAST IICT to publish Blockchain research in Springer conference at Berlin

Next week, Axel Curmi, a 2nd year B.Sc. Software Development student, and myself shall be presenting our research in Blockchain at the BSCT 2018 conference in Berlin. All proceedings will be published as a volume in a Springer Verlag publication. Our research explores the use of blockchain for the verification of academic certificates, with the intention to extend it to medical certificates in the next year. Our focus will also extend to the communication across blockchain networks and the user access control aspect of it. We are scheduled for the 19th July at 16:30 and will be part of a packed schedule.

This is the second MCAST IICT paper that is being published, the first was by Darren Cilia and myself, the first paper to be presented abroad, the first to be published in a Springer publication and the first by a 2nd year students. I would like to take this opportunity to thanks the MCAST administration for their support.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira